If the beginnings of the Internet appeared at the end of the 1960s, the bookmakers began to appear when the advent became popular and reached the homes of users and specialized establishments.
The first online bookmaker of which we have news dates back to 1994.

In 1996 there were already 15 of them, and a year later, the number increased to 200 and never stopped growing. Today, there are numerous bookmakers operating worldwide.
The betting sites grew organically, due to the interest of the users in playing, and also with the help of advertising. You’re sure to have come across an advertisement!
The online betting boom also helped the platforms to improve: today, there are various gaming options, and all in a much safer and more reliable way for the punter.
Famous people and online betting
Not by chance, the fame of the bookmakers attracted the attention of several celebrities who started to play, spread the word and became rich with the activity.
Friends and rivals – in games – Matt Damon and Ben Affleck love a casino. Ben, however, has already had to treat his addiction, which made him lose millions. Matt is such a fan of gambling that in 1998 he starred in the film Cards on the Table, about this very universe.
The ex-football player Ronaldo Fenômeno also bets, especially on poker, and has been caught by the paparazzi doing it. Recently he became an investor in an e-sports team.
Another player who loves online betting is Neymar. Together with his football friends, he spends hours playing and betting, even during the concentration of his team’s games. And he records it all on his Instagram account.
Finally, an improbable revelation: socialite Paris Hilton also places her bets online.
Despite being one of the richest women in the world, one of her favourite pastimes is betting on Blackjack. She once won $30,000 in one sitting!
The profile of a good online gambler

Being a good gambler is not just about logging on to your favourite betting site, choosing your game, betting and waiting for the profit to come. That’s the easy part! There is a lot you can do to improve your investment.
Before you even start, try to know the market where you are going to bet. Knowing the rules is essential to avoid making mistakes.
Online sports betting, casinos, sports and other games have particularities that should be studied.
And speaking of study, this is another golden rule for professionals: study!
Be statistical and analytical, follow the latest news, seek information about your opponent, join discussion forums, talk to those who know more than you…
This will help you develop your own method, and it must be superior to the bookmaker’s!
Moreover, good bettors make responsible games. Set a spending limit and when there are losses, don’t try to make up for them.
Online betting should primarily be a moment of relaxation and cannot cause damage to your financial life.